I thought I'd show some of what I've been working on. I'm hoping it will give me some motivation to finish up these works-in-progress.
I started knitting this sweater, got to the fun part, ran out of yarn, and have been putting off buying more because I'm afraid it won't match.

It's the OWLS sweater by Kate Davies. It's probably way too cute, but when I saw the buttons for eyes, I couldn't resist. And, since I had this yarn laying around.... I had to. But then it got complicated because I had to knit with two strands held together because the pattern called for a much heavier yarn that what I had. And then I ran out. And then it got warm, as in 85-90˚, and I realized I don't really need a wool sweater until next fall anyway. So I will definitely be finishing this sweater! But maybe not soon...?
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