I am back in school, and already things are pretty crazy.
Since this is my last year, I get my own work space.
It is essentially a closet that I share with two other (awesome) people.
I am excited to have my own space and my own bench and my own cluttered corner.
Don't let this photo fool you. It really is a closet.

I finally finished the project I've been working on since the beginning of the summer.
Here are the wax pieces I made in June, before casting or anything else fancy:
Here's a photo of the components a week or so ago:
And here's the finished brooch:
I'm pleased with the way it came out.
As an unforeseen bonus, it makes wonderful noises
when you wear it and the pieces clink together.
I also finished up some of the rings I cast over the summer.
Here are the waxes from June:
And here are some photos of the finished ring:
I've been working on several other projects,
including a series for my senior portfolio.
I'll have photos of those soon.
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