Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I want to knit you a sweater, I want to write you a love letter, I want to make you feel better...

I thought I'd show some of what I've been working on. I'm hoping it will give me some motivation to finish up these works-in-progress.

I started knitting this sweater, got to the fun part, ran out of yarn, and have been putting off buying more because I'm afraid it won't match.

It's the OWLS sweater by Kate Davies. It's probably way too cute, but when I saw the buttons for eyes, I couldn't resist. And, since I had this yarn laying around.... I had to. But then it got complicated because I had to knit with two strands held together because the pattern called for a much heavier yarn that what I had. And then I ran out. And then it got warm, as in 85-90˚, and I realized I don't really need a wool sweater until next fall anyway. So I will definitely be finishing this sweater! But maybe not soon...?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

All day long, I'm sitting, singing songs for everyone.

I've been feeling so inspired lately, by nature and art and everything I've seen. Here are some random ideas for projects that I don't want to forget:

lino cuts
dal packets
thick paints
lemon soap
french knots
photo collages
strappy sandals
ribbons on shoes
embroidered buttons
setting wood using rivets

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

I tried on the summer sun, felt good.

   Nice and warm - knew it would.
   Tried the grass beneath bare feet,
   Felt neat.
   Finally, finally felt well dressed.
   Nature's clothes just fit me best.

And, since this is clearly going to be one of those sort of blogs.... I have more to say. Today was Earth Day! I didn't do anything earthy, like attending the local-food-thing at Whole Foods that I really wanted to go to, because I had to work. But! We gave out seeds at the bakery today and lots of people were excited about it. I was afraid at first, because I really thought few people would get a free packet of tomato or sunflower seeds at a restaurant and then actually follow through and plant them, but it seemed like that may indeed happen.

Also, the earth seemed a little freaked out this morning about the celebration. It started off sunny, then thunderstormed, then was sunny, then rained some more. It went back and forth between rain and sun maybe five or six times. Explain that.

I'm worried a bit about my attempt at growing plants. We have a big balcony that I immediately claimed for a food garden. That excitement faded when I realized that the balcony faces north and never ever gets any direct sun. Not one to be dissuaded (yeah, right), I started pole beans, radishes, cilantro, various cucumber, and pea plants from seeds. They did okay as tiny seedlings. Now it seems (to my measuring eye)  as if they've all just reached a plateau. It's as if they have just enough sunlight to not die, but not enough to put forth any new growth. I bet I can just forget about actual food coming out of these guys. They can't get past their awkward teenage stages. I'm awfully close to rigging a fluorescent lighting system to pep them up, but then that seems a little counterintuitive. Isn't the point of all this to get food from stuff that's dirt (and sun) cheap?

This is my basil plant, which clearly doesn't mind getting no sun.
I've recently discovered that I can't sleep. It's really the thinking that is the problem - no complaints about the bed or the dreams. I just can't stop thinking about all the things I want to do. I think a large part of me is just daydreaming about all the things I'll be able to do, make, and create at a later time. It doesn't help, too, that I'm starting to get much more hooked on other things like growing food and sewing. Give me a little more time in this mindset, and I'm sure the list will expand even further. It may even extend to writing if this blog does its job. And that brings me back to what I wanted to say originally. I'm going to use this as a place to get out my ideas. I hope it doesn't turn into something too disjointed, or if it does, I hope that it's at least a creative sort of chaos. Wish me luck!